The Wellbeing Area is located in our “BOB” Building. It is an area that can be used by all students (including lunch and recess) as needed.
Students are encouraged to use this area to get help when they choose to reset their thinking. They will be encouraged to choose positive coping strategies to practice using a growth mindset and draw on and use their strengths to return to their classroom to have a successful day.
The Wellbeing Area helps us be the best we can be and love what we do.
At our school, we promote WELLBEING through the following ways…
- All classrooms have a calm space
- We encourage children to bring brain food to eat during work time and have drink bottles in the classroom or on their tables so they keep well hydrated.
- The Wellbeing Area
- Leading Teacher in Wellbeing
- Inclusive Breakfast Program
- The Explicit teaching of Respectful Relationships.
- Using positive language
- Teaching and learning using our strengths
- Practising using a growth mindset
Calm Time
Years Foundation to 6 have three timetabled Calm Times implemented each day.
- Beginning of the day
- After Lunch
- After Recess
At these times the whole school is calm, students engaging in what they know will assist them to prepare for the next learning episode.
All classrooms also have calm spaces for students who may require calm time at other times in the day to achieve their best learning.
A Wellbeing Space is located in our BOB (Be Our Best) building for students who require additional support, understanding and care.
Calm time facilitates mindfulness and ensures students are prepared to focus.