OSHC – Outside School Hours Care

Our program is run by the School Council and is made up of male and female staff, qualified in Children’s Services and trained in First Aid, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis. We also have students from La Trobe University employed at our service who are studying their Bachelor of Education.

• Before School Care operates from 6.45am to 8.45am each school day.
Children have a choice of breakfast which includes Weetbix, Rice Bubbles, Weeties as well as toast, raisin toast with a choice of spreads – Butter, Vegemite, Cheese or Jam. We have a range of supervised activities for the children to keep them busy until it’s time for class.

• After School Care operates from 3.15pm to 6.00pm each school day.
Children have a healthy snack upon arrival and have many indoor and outdoor activities throughout the afternoon.

• Vacation Care/Curriculum Days operates from 8.00am to 6.00pm on scheduled days during the school holidays.
Children are required to bring their own morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and drinks each day. We have activities such as Table tennis, X-Box, Wii, PlayStation, craft, bingo and board games. We also go on excursions to The Cinema, Hogs Breath, Ten Pin Bowling and Putt Putt golf just to name a few.

We are contactable by phone between 6.45am - 10.00am, and 3.00pm - 6.00pm. Outside of these hours we are reachable by email or text message on our mobile.

Contact Us

Phone: 5023 2148 (press option 3)                              Mobile: 0408 232 143                           Email: oshc.mildura.south.ps@education.vic.gov.au





Kylie Holmes